Friday, July 10, 2009

Thing # 11 - Library Thing

I love LibraryThing. Personally, it is a great resource for me in order to keep up with what I have read so I can make recommendations. Also, I like the recommendations it gives based on the books in which I have read and I can also make a list of books I want to read. This will also help me find reviews on books.

I signed up for an account and joined three groups, Read YA List, What Are You Reading Now, and Librarian Who LibraryThing. I even put a widget on my blog; however, I had to put it at the bottom. It did not look good on the side. Each time I finish a book I am adding it to LibraryThing. I can always update my widget. Again, this is a great and useful source. Oh, yea! I added the LibraryThing blog to my RSS feed in Google Reader.