Saturday, July 11, 2009
Thing # 13 - Tagging and Discovering Delicious
I have heard of del.ici.ous before, but since I attended TLA in April I have been using Diigo for social bookmarking. I like it I guess because I am used to it and their are several things you can do such as highlight and post sticky notes. I was a little apprehensive about beginning social bookmarking because at first I thought all my bookmarks would be made public. I soon realized that this was not the case. This activity has given me the opportunity to familiarize myself with del.ici.ous. Again, I like the fact that one can select whether they wish to have their bookmarking shared or to keep them personal for your own personal use. I think the tags are really useful especially when bringing up all the sites under that tag. That is really a time saver. I can see where social bookmarking would come in handy for classes to have access to certain websites. Any opinions on Diigo??